Childcare, birth to age 3, coming Fall/Winter 2024!
Diverse Learning Environments
Go Beyond provides a safe and structured environment in which families feel their child is not only cared for but celebrated as they explore, learn and grow. We envision beginning care for children in their very early child development years and watching them grow all the way through the entering of Kindergarten.
Go Beyond Childcare is a family oriented program for children of all abilities. By working directly with families, our children are given the opportunity to grow and develop into their own special person. It is important for us to meet children where they are at, especially when caring for a mixed age group, and so for that reason we not only address specific needs based on age, but also each child’s individual pace of development.
Our program is staffed with people who not only understand child development but who also value relationships, independence, creativity and education.
Infants (6 weeks - 12 months)
Infant care revolves around each infant’s own individual needs/schedule. Go Beyond partners with families to develop the best care plan for their child, understanding that each infant is unique and develops at his/her own pace. In addition to feeding, diapering and sleeping, daily activities involve developing trust and security, enjoying fingerplays and story time, while also exploring tummy time and different sensory experiences.
Pre-Toddlers (1 year - 2 years)
Pre-toddler care is all about new experiences and such an important time in development. Go Beyond partners with families to also develop the best care plan for their child at this age, still with understanding that each child develops at his/her own pace. In addition to daily care routines, activities include a hands-on approach through circle time and center-based learning, highlighting language enrichment, social-emotional development, and motor development skills. At this age, children will transition to naps on a mat and will focus heavily on self-feeding at a table with friends.
Toddlers (2 years - 3 years)
In preparation for the shift into Preschool years, our toddlers begin to learn more about independence and how to follow routines. Daily activities consist of group time, free play, music/movement and art, all while targeting language development, emotional regulation and self-help skills. Towards the end of this age bracket, children will have the opportunity to visit our Preschool next door more frequently, prepping for the upcoming transition.
Preschool helps children learn and grow in areas such as: early literacy, speech-language development, and pre-math. In addition, school readiness also includes helping children to grow their social and emotional development, as well as learn and build on skills such as: problem solving, decisions making, creative play and so much more. Research shows that children who attend a pre-academic program, such as Go Beyond Preschool, are not only more prepared for school academically but are also more prepared socially. Helping our littles learn to navigate socialization early on, how to get along, compromise and work together, has lasting effects on their academic careers. We offer a language enriched environment to children of all abilities, providing opportunities to grow socially and academically, while also preparing them to be creative and confident in all aspects of their lives.
Typical Day
Go Beyond Preschool strives to make each day in Preschool exciting, different and fun while also believing heavily that consistency is key.
7:30-8:30a Extended Hours
8:40 Morning Meeting
8:50 Centers / Free Play
9:50 Group
10:00 Morning Snack
10:15 Outside / Gross Motor Time
11:15 *Specials / Small Group
11:45 Calming Activity / Storytime
12:00p Lunch
12:30 Yoga
12:45 Rest / Reset Bodies
1:30 Limited Centers / Gross Motor Activity
2:30 Afternoon Snack
2:45 Closing Circle / Day Review
2:55 Pack-up / Dismissal
3:00-5:30 Extended Hours